## Readme.txt
## FreeRTOS Port Example for CR16C+
## Author Wittenstein high integrity systems
This project stationery is designed to get you up and running quickly with the CompactRISC tools for CR16C+.
## Getting Started
The LED GPIO address can be changed in the FreeRTOSConfig.h (macro configLED_GPIO_NUM).
## Project structure
The project generated contains various files/folders:
- readme.txt: this file
- FreeRTOS/Source: FreeRTOS source code
- FreeRTOS/Config: FreeRTOS configuration file for the platform
- Common: folder with the FreeRTOS common demos
- Demo: folder with the application source code
- Startup: C/C++ startup code
- SWC_DEFS: architecture-related definitions
- SWC_HAL: HAL source code
## Adding your own code
Once everything is working as expected, you can begin adding your own code
to the project. Keep in mind that we provide this as an example of how to
get up and running quickly with the Nuvoton tools. There are certainly other
ways to handle interrupts and set up your linker command file. Feel free
to modify any of the source files provided.
## Interrupt handling
This FreeRTOS port uses a common interrupt dispatcher ISR. All you need to
do to register your ISRs is just adding it to the relevan slot of the
Software dispact table (the axFreeRTOSIsrSwDispatchTable[] array).
NOTE 1: the Hardware vector table is static, and it must contain the
FreeRTOS dispatcher ISR (vFreeRTOSInterruptHandler) on all the interrupt
NOTE 2: the SVC vector in the Hardware vector table must be vPortYield().
## System Time
The System Time (ticks) is implemented using the ITIM16 module 1.
For such reason, the host application must not modify the ITIM16-1 registers
at any time. The other ITIM16 instances (module 2 and following ones ) are
available to the host application.