Port for ZiLOG's EZ80F91 Module including EZ80F910300ZCOG Developer Kit


Link to source-code : https://github.com/notwendig/FreeRTOS-eZ80F91

This port runs on ZiLOG's EZ80F91 Internet Module plugged on the EZ80F910300ZCOG Developer Kit.

Using the ZDSII Acclaim 5.2.1 Developer Environment downloaded from zilog.com

Currently the following platform devices are supported:

EMAC on the FreeRTOS-TCP/IP stack. including CLI command-line interface demo

UART0 Console 115200,8,n,1. Connect PuTTY to see the Demo platform monitor.

5x7 LED-Matrix

The platform buttons

Have fun

Regards Jürgen




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