+ zero Copy
+ "should" work, but
- not well tested
+ hence, no copy right, no guarantee
FreeRTOS Interactive
+ zero Copy
+ "should" work, but
- not well tested
+ hence, no copy right, no guarantee
Hi MArtin!
I currently try to compile your code with FreeRTOS 8.2.3 and the current FreeRTOS+, but I have not succeeded so far. What I am looking for is the mac.h file. The include files are also named differently, or maybe "freeRTOS_inc.h" and "freeRTOSIP_inc.h" include a set of files?
For which board/PHY is your code?
Thanks & best regards,
Hi Stephan,
oh, yes indeed they include - I guess - all the freeRTOS files... add them as needed.
It was made for the RX63N with the LAN Adapter from GLYN:
Hi Martin!
Thanks for your answer! I think I added the FreeRTOS include files correctly. What I am stuck with is the mac.h file that I cannot find. It is included by your mac.c file. I assumed that you have written this file, or am I wrong?
Best regards,
ups, indeed, was in the wrong directory and hence forgotten...
good luck.
Thank you! :-)
Hi Martin!
I need you once more: Missing are some other defines: ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_RECEIVERS, PHY_NO_LINK, PHY_LINK_*. I copied
typedef enum _NETLNK
from an "old" Renesas project, but I think it is strange that I cannot find ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_RECEIVERS.
Is it part of the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP version you used?
Thanks again,
of course you need the FreeRTOS Plus-TCP source.
ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_RECEIVERS is defined as 5 but depend on your project needs.
I don't know If my code goes with the curent release.
Hi Martin!
I work with the FreeRTOS Plus-TCP release from 160112. Probably newer than yours?
ipconfigNUM_NETWORK_BUFFER_RECEIVERS is no more present in this code...
Thanks& best regards