Port of the FreeRTOS V8.1.2 demo to the RZ/A1H RSK using Renesas e2 studio IDE v3.1 and the KPIT GCC v14.01 compiler.
Now updated to correct e2 studio environment settings for v14.02 toolchain
FreeRTOS Interactive
Port of the FreeRTOS V8.1.2 demo to the RZ/A1H RSK using Renesas e2 studio IDE v3.1 and the KPIT GCC v14.01 compiler.
Now updated to correct e2 studio environment settings for v14.02 toolchain
Updated to correct e2 studio compiler settings for v14.02 toolchain
The project should use KPIT GCC compiler v14.0x.
It is configured to use "arm-none-eabi-gcc" and not "arm-rz-eabi-gcc".
Is there an error ?
Furthermore, in both configurations (arm-none-eabi-gcc and arm-rz-eabi-gcc), I have always the same error:
fatal error: swi.h: No such file or directory
An idea ?
The "arm-rz-eabi-gcc" version has now been superceded by the "arm-none-eabi-gcc" release so there is no error.
The file "swi.h" should be located in the KPIT GCC installation directory, e.g.:
C:\Program Files\KPIT\GNUARM-NONEv14.02-EABI\arm-none-eabi\arm-none-eabi\bin\newlib\libc\sys\arm
Within the project this is referenced under Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->Tool Settings->Compiler->Source->Include file directories - the actual entry is:
"TCINSTALL" is an environment variable set under Project Properties->C/C++ Build->Environment
Check these settings on your installation.
Ok, thank you for your help. It is working now.
Another thing that I had to change to get a successful build was the PATH variable in the project (same screen as TCINSTALL). The locations of both the KPIT and e2studio tools were hard-coded and were different on my machine.
This seems like a weakness in either the project or e2studio. Is there a way to make a project independent of the location of the tools?
Forget my previous comment. My PATH problem was due to a confusion about steps 1 & 2 in the README.TXT file. I opened a workspace directly in the FreeRTOS folder as directed in step 1, but this caused step 2 to fail (as the project was already in that workspace). When I went back and opened a workspace under my "Documents" folder, then the import worked and the PATH, et al, were correct.