FreeRTOS Demo Program for Microchip's PIC24F Starter Kit board, including USB and OLED

FreeRTOS Demo Program for Microchip's PIC24F Starter Kit board
Adapted by Dave Nadler 15-August-2012 Dave.Nadler@Nadler.com

This demo:
- Is based on FreeRTOS V7.1.1's demo for Explorer 16 board
- Passes all tests in demo program including serial loopback
- Uses MPLAB 8.86 and XC16 (formerly C30) Microchip compiler
- Adds USB demonstration and OLED bitmap display driver
- Adds queue for text display on OLED
- Implements USB CDC device emulating a serial device
  (test with RealTerm or other terminal emulator)
- sends constant text to serial device (receive on PC)
- echos CR-terminated text received (from PC) to OLED display

- Requires Microchip's application library Microchip_AppLib_v20120718
  (uses USB stack, utilities, and part of graphics library)
- Requires serial driver install (this just maps Microchip's
  registered USB deviceID to a Windoze standard driver):
  see "USB_driver_install" directory
- Requires FreeRTOS 7.1.1

Enjoy !
Best Regards, Dave

PS: Thanks Richard !



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